Before we left Dallas, we had dinner with Alvin's nephew Brian Wyant and great nephew Joshua. Joshua just found out his eagle scout work has been approved so we celebrated at Buca - by eating in the kitchen - what a treat.
Leaving Dallas we headed northwest and finally saw oil wells....... and took at detour to Frederick, OK. Everyone was harvesting grain and hay.
We got followed by a drone - after we accidentally passed a US Army flight training facility, I guess they were training on drone flights as well as airplanes...
We spent the next night in Amarillo, TX and found an unmarked section of old Route 66 an found the tourist stop of Cadillac Ranch - old cadillacs buried part way in the ground. There is paint 1/2 inch thick in some places. Another unexpected side trip...
We took the back roads to Denver, CO on Friday, by way of New Mexico. We saw one small store in 40 miles - no quick trips to Walmart here, very few homes but lots of farms, cattle, wind mills for electricity -land is so flat you can see for miles.
We passed Pike's Peak but it was covered in snow. We did not make it downtown so we didn't see the pot outlets or the customers........ :)
We did stop by Mile High Stadium for a quick look.......... Very pretty stadium.
Sorry this post took so long - computer security issues are finally resolved. More Later
You got followed by a drone? You totally left that out of the phone check-in conversation! Hope you guys are having fun and relaxing in Vegas! Can't wait to see more pics! Coco and Rhett say "hi!" :)